Eleanor C. (Wink) Harter, 77, of Ephrata, passed away in the loving presence of her family, June 18, 2021, at Hospice & Community Care, Mount Joy. Born in Hamburg, the eldest of eight siblings, she was a daughter of the late Harvey & Kathryn (Berger) Wink and the devoted wife to James H. Harter for 61 years.
Eleanor worked at the former Victor Weaver chicken production for many years and enjoyed working as a deli clerk for the former Sangrey’s in Akron. The family matriarch, she balanced full-time work and full-time family with her husband Jim. She enjoyed sewing baby blankets, receiving blankets, towels, stuffed animals, and little treasures for her grandchildren. Eleanor made sure everything had its place; always organized. She enjoyed catalog shopping, flipping through pages in search of a perfect gift or good deal. She liked to read family-oriented magazines such as Family Circle. She would take a mid-day break for her stories, Days of Our Lives and to watch The Five. She was an amazing baker and Christmas cookie baking always included listening to carols by Elvis. Her true love was family. She loved her grandchildren dearly, having special relationships with each of them. Family gatherings were precious to her.
In addition to her husband, Eleanor is survived by Debra, wife of Paul Naffin of Ephrata; James R., husband of Carolyn (Hatton) Harter of Manheim; Patricia, wife of Ronald Moyer of Brownstown; Diane (Harter) Mozeliak of Ephrata; and Peggy, wife of Lester Wise of Denver; 12 grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren; and one great-great granddaughter. She was predeceased by three siblings.
Viewings will be held Thurs., June 24th from 7 to 9:00 p.m., and Fri., June 25th from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. at Good Sipler Funeral & Cremation Centre, Inc., 34 N. Reamstown Rd., Reamstown (Stevens). The Funeral Service will begin at 11:00 a.m. on Friday and interment will follow at Memory Gardens, Ephrata.
In memory of Eleanor’s patriotic spirit, memorial contributions to Wounded Warrior Project, www.woundedwarriorproject.org.