Cover Articles

lams casey kaufhold

Olympic Archery Medalist Casey Kaufhold Visits LAMS

Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese

Lititz Area Mennonite School (LAMS) was excited to host Casey Kaufhold recently while she visited with their archery students. The students had a chance to hear about Casey’s journey, which led her to winning the bronze medal in the mixed team archery event at the 2024 Paris Olympics. She also brought along her Olympic medal for the archers to view. After taking questions from some of the students, Casey stayed to help teach the archers with her knowledgeable experience. Casey is shown wearing her Olympic bronze medal with some of the archery students at LAMS.

LAMS is in its eighth year in the National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP). LAMS follows the guidelines of the NASP in school teaching and also offers archery as an after-school sport. The LAMS archery team consists of 30 to 40 archers in grades fourth through twelfth. Archers attend a few tournaments each year and the school also holds its own annual tournament. The LAMS Archery program is proud to have had a PA State NASP/IBO 3D champion in 2024 and has had archers qualify for the National Tournament in Louisville, Kentucky for the past three years. Head Archery Coach Justin Zimmerman looks forward to seeing what the LAMS archers achieve in 2025.

new holland historical deen2

New Holland Area Historical Society “The Remarkable Mr. Deen” Exhibit

Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese

Have you seen the movie “Brave the Dark?” It’s a wonderful account of the relationship between Stan Deen and his adopted son Nathaniel “Nate” Deen. In January, the New Holland Area Historical Society (NHAHS) is offering the public a chance to learn more about the story behind the movie.

Mr. Deen, as Stan Deen was known, was a high school English and Drama teacher at Garden Spot High School from 1967 until 1997 when he retired, but he stayed involved as a director for the theater. He founded the Garden Spot Performing Arts (GSPA) in 1967. NHAHS is hosting an exhibit about this beloved and extraordinary teacher. “The Remarkable Mr. Deen” exhibit will be open to the public on Thursday, January 16.

“The Remarkable Mr. Deen” exhibit will have artifacts on display from his early years at Pasadena Playhouse and his decades at Garden Spot High School, where he taught and directed theater. Wardrobe, props, behind-the-scenes photos and other “Brave the Dark” items will be part of the exhibit. There will also be an exhibit featuring a few of Mr. Deen’s former theater students.

The museum is open Thursdays and Saturdays, from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. The NHAHS is located at 207 East Main Street, New Holland. Private tours for up to 22 people can be arranged by calling the museum at 717-354-2049.

Shown in the photo is just a tiny glimpse of the amazing exhibit titled, “The Remarkable Mr. Deen.” In this vignette from the exhibit, you have a myriad of Deen family photos, his fathers 1920s era 8×10 camera he used to capture thousands of watches while working at Hamilton watch. Sitting in front of that is the smaller camera that Stan received from his father Walter, who had hoped Stan would follow in his footsteps. However, Stan preferred being in front of the camera. On the right is Mike Ressler (NHAHS Chairman of the Board) as he stands beside the life-size cutout of Mr. Deen that visitors can take selfies with. On the left is Don Horning (NHAHS Exhibit Representative).

EMS leo club

EMS/EIS Leo Club Collection Has Positive Impact

Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese

The Ephrata Middle School (EMS)/Ephrata Intermediate School (EIS) Leo Club would like to thank the students, teachers and staff of the EIS and EMS for donating new hats, scarves, and gloves that will be donated to the Neighborhood Santa program. Kimberly Goshert and Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill & Bar in Ephrata organized the program again this year. The EMS/EIS Leo Club had two holiday trees located in each school’s lobby for the students to “decorate” with the hats, scarves, and gloves. They had 129 hats, scarves, and gloves donated this year! A thank you to the Baron Stiegel Lions Club for their cash donation on behalf of the EMS/EIS Leo Club.

The Leo Club is always looking for new members to join in on their projects throughout the year and is open to students in grades fifth through eighth grade. The club has made a positive impact over the last 17 years by collecting over 1,929 pieces, and is guided by Leo Club Advisor Craig Merkey.

Shown in the photo, from left to right, are (front) Ksenia Dorokhova, Molly Johnson, Harold Beiler, Blaine Wilson, Abby Lutz, Hannah Lutz; (back) Emma Keefer, Gianna Farnum, Riley Bond and Emma Nolt.