Es Pennsilfaanisch Deitsch Eck

Es Pennsilfaanisch Deitsch Eck

(Originally published in the December 30, 1987 issue of The Shopping News)


By Anna F. Faust

Es alt Yaahr is verbei, en neies kummt rei;

As ich noch doh bin, sett ich dankbaar sei!

Acht un sechzich hab schun gsehne kumme un geh,

Verleicht is es Zeit vun Feiere sich abzugewehne.

In Nei Yarick gebt’s den Owed en mechdich Yacht –

Alli-ebber is am waarde fer die Halbnacht.

So gschwind as die Uhr schlaagt, brecht alles los:

Die Mensche kumme zum Lewe in die Schtrooss.

Fer baut ee Schtunn dutt’s hesselborich mache;

Sie fliege Baluune un mache Feiergraeckers grache.

Sie bosse alli-ebber un duh nanner umaarme;

Sie warre net kalt, ihr haunse dutt sie waerme.

Viel Leit fer’s Nei Yaahr macht sich paar Verschprechnes;

Bis der Verfiehrer sie aafecht, noh glei verbreche sie’s.

Gege soich Dummheit hab ich en dicke Haut;

Verlosst eich druff, mir hen Seifleesch un Sauergraut.

Mir esse an die Karich un nochdem watt gsunge.

An Halbnacht watt die Karichglock gerunge.

Annre gleiche den Owed ihr Flinde abschiesse,

Mit Hallich Nei Yaahr! duh ich eich all griesse!

December 2, 1986



The old year has passed, a new one has arrived; I’m happy to still be alive. I’ve seen 68 (New Years) come and go. Perhaps it’s time to stop celebrating./New Year’s Eve in New York City is a great event. Everyone is awaiting midnight. As soon as the clock strikes, pandemonium occurs, and the masses come alive in the streets./For about an hour the noise is deafening; balloons are released and firecrackers explode. Everybody kisses and hugs each other. Their carrying on keeps them warm./At New Year many people make resolutions. As soon as they are tempted, they break them. I do not take much stock in such practices. But depend on it, tomorrow we’ll have pork and sauerkraut./We have supper at church followed by hymn singing. At midnight the church bell rings. Some folks like to fire off their guns at midnight. With a “Happy New Year” we greet you all!


Since NEI YAAHR came to us too late to be used last year, we are printing it this New Year season. In NEI YAAHR, die Anna vun Bannwill first reports on the celebration of the New Year in New York as seen on television; then she reflects on the making of New Year’s resolutions and the old custom of having pork and sauerkraut on New Year’s. Finally, the manner in which she greets the New Year. Of course, she does not forget the ancient custom of “es Nei Yaahr aaschiesse,” a custom still practiced in Germany. We have heard from die Anna vun Bannwill in the old year and we will continue to hear from her in the New Year, for we have many delightful poems on hand eager to see the light of day.


Bischli-Gnippli un die Bischlin-Gnipplin winsche eich all en blessierlich un hallich Nei Yaahr!!!

December 30, 1987

Yuscht en Bischli-Gnippli un sei Fraa